Our mission is to proclaim the good news,
cultivate and nurture believers,
and serve our community.
Although All Saints is just a decade old, we have relationships created long before that built our church into a welcoming, warm, and caring worshiping community, where fellowship does not end with coffee hour. We are a blended parish that came together as two other parishes splintered. We value relationships and friendships new and old–those who came together as the splintered parishes joined and new members who have come to us since the church’s founding. We celebrate with parents at baptisms and confirmations, offer support when members face struggles, and mourn with family members at funerals.
We are a diverse and welcoming community to all who enter our doors. All Saints recently welcomed members of the Quad-Cities Karen community that came here from Myanmar. Our services are thoughtful in combining liturgy and music because we see music as a form of prayer, integral to the worship experience. All Saints takes advantages of opportunities to change up worship from time to time, whether it is welcoming in a visiting preacher, guest musicians, or participating in a broader ecumenical service.
Our members offer diverse skills and interests that make for varied ministries within the church and the wider community whether it is local or in Belize or South Dakota. We have a member who is currently studying for the diaconate and invite all who feel called to that or another ministry.
We come together to glorify God and get energized for ministry.
Sundays at 10:30 am
Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Holy Week 2025
4/13 - Palm Sunday - The Sunday of the Passion @ 10:30am
4/16 - Chrism Mass @ 11:00am
4/17 - Maundy Thursday Service @ 7:00pm
4/18 - Good Friday Service @ 12:00pm
4/20 - Easter Sunday Service @ 10:30am
4/27 - Red Shirt Sunday & Monthly Potluck
Sunday School
We meet at 10:30 am and join worship upstairs at the peace.
Each Sunday, we explore a lesson that corresponds to the church season and Lectionary readings. We learn through a Bible story and hands-on activities, crafts, and games. All children are welcome to join!
We meet in the Sunday school room on the lower level-when entering through the lower-level doors, walk through the parish hall and turn left at the stairs.
Adult Formation
We will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. Please bring your Bible.
Connect with Us
We want to hear from you!
(309) 592-6400
Mailing address
PO Box 482
Moline, IL 61266